This half term we stepped back in time to explore the events of 1666 and learnt all about the significance of the terrible fire in London.
During our English lessons, we explored the text of ‘Vlad and The Flea.’ We used the facts from the book to continue our research to record our findings within a non-fiction booklet to outline the main events of the devastating fire that destroyed London in September 1666. Next, we used this knowledge to write a detailed newspaper report that informed the reader of what happened during this time.
During our History lessons, we have looked in what is a monarch? We have learnt all important roles and responsibilities of the monarch, how this has changed over time and explored the coronation ceremony.
In Maths, we have continued to use our number knowledge to reason, and problem solve within our problem-solving unit, we also explored the most efficient methods to use when calculating. We have learnt about money, including coins and notes and continued to learn how to tell the time.
In our Computing lessons, we have been using Scratch Jr to develop our programming skills. We learn how to program the sprite to follow an algorithm and we then learnt how to change the background of the setting. We used these new skills to design and create a simple program.
During our Design and Technology lessons we explored a range of puppets, we explored a range of joining techniques including gluing, stapling, pinning, and sewing. Next, we designed our very own hand puppet based on a design criteria. We then used a range of materials to make the puppet using stitching as our chosen joining technique.
To end a wonderful half term, we took a trip to The Ancient High House in Stafford where we consolidated our learning about The Great Fire of London. We visited the Tudor style building and took part in a range of activities including calligraphy and identifying the difference in lifestyle between the rich and poor. We learnt more about the buildings in London and why the fire spread so quickly, we took part in a wattle and daub activity to further our understanding why house designs were changed following the fire.
What a fantastic year we have had in Year 2! It has been full of fun, laughter, and learning. We look forward to our next adventures as we move into Year 3.