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A Christian school where quality and
opportunities make a difference

At Forsbrook Primary School all children are unique and valued as children
of God, who are welcomed into our safe, loving and supportive Christian family.
We strive for excellence and inspire dreams both now and in the future.
Every child is nurtured to achieve their God-given potential.

Forsbrook Primary School is Outstanding!

‘This school goes above and beyond for all pupils’ —Ofsted Report 2023

A Message from the Headteacher

As Head Teacher of Forsbrook CE Primary School, may I take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to our school website. Whether you are visiting as a prospective pupil, parent, governor, teacher or volunteer we hope to provide you with an insight into our Forsbrook family.

Forsbrook CE Primary School is a church school sitting in the heart of the Staffordshire community. ‘Loving, Learning, Laughing in the Light of Jesus’ is our school motto and encompasses what our school is about. Our children experience a wide range of opportunities enabling them to achieve success and develop the confidence and skills to play a productive part in the life of our school and in our local community. A nursery and a before and after school club operate within our school building. Our school led nursery provision is managed by the governing body and takes children from birth to five years. We also share the school grounds with Blythe Bridge High School and have strong relationships with them.

As a Christian school, we live and breathe our core values, provide a quality education and create opportunities children will never forget. As our children journey through school and into the future, we encourage them to embrace our Christian values of Love, Joy, Peace, Hope, Friendship, Compassion, Respect and Courage. These values can clearly be seen in the positive ways children behave towards each other and through the warm relationships that exist between staff and pupils.

Personal development, mental health and wellbeing is a high priority in school. The teachers and support staff work hard to ensure that all children feel safe, secure and fully included in stimulating and engaging lessons. Attainment of pupils on leaving the school, at the end of Year 6, consistently exceeds the national average as staff have high expectations of pupils and make good progress. We place a strong emphasis on music and sport and the commitment of the staff enables us to offer an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs. We have an active School council, Eco council and Worship council who meet regularly to help make decisions, using the voice of their peers.

Every child at Forsbrook CE Primary School is valued as a unique child of God. We aim to “Start children off on the way they should go, so even when they are old they will not turn from it.” —Proverbs 22:6. We know that children achieve more when parents and school work together. The school operates an “open-door” policy in addition to regular newsletters, family learning opportunities, induction meetings and regular class assemblies, which help to create opportunities to work in partnership with our families.

We hope the information found on the website will be useful and may answer any questions you have. However, the best way to get a feel for Forsbrook CE Primary School is to come and visit – you are always welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment to see our beautiful children and wonderful school in action.

Mrs. K Cooke,
Headteacher, Forsbrook Primary School

Mrs K. Cooke, Headteacher

Take a tour of our beautiful outdoor spaces and playgrounds

Key Stage 1 Playground

The Lucy Mellor Memorial Garden

Our Eco Garden

The Covered Walkway

Reception's Outdoor Play Area

Year 1's Outdoor Play Area

Key Stage 2

Inside: Our Library

Inside: Our Main School Hall

Our Values

As our children journey through school and into the future, we will encourage them to embrace our Christian values:









Latest News

Year 3 Recorder Festival Consent Letter

Year 3 Recorder Festival Consent Letter

Y3 class will be playing their recorders on stage at the Stoke-on-Trent Recorder Festival at the Victoria Hall on Tuesday 18th March 2025, alongside children from 21 other schools in and around Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

read more

We are a School Games Gold Mark School!

The School Games is a programme which aims to keep competitive sport at the heart of schools, and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.

Join Drama School here at Forsbrook!

Open to children aged between 5 – 15 years old
Weekly Sessions, Term time only
Thursday Evenings 5:30pm – 7pm

Contact: to reserve your child’s place now.

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