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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

WHAT are we aiming for?

Our PSHE curriculum aims to create children who:

  • understand how important, valued and loved we are
  • understand how to love, respect and treat others
  • can express and control their own emotions
  • can forgive to restore relationships
  • are self-assured and proud of their own individuality
  • are resilient and have strategies to deal with everyday situations
  • understand how to keep healthy & safe in the modern world


HOW do we achieve this?

At Forsbrook, we believe that a child’s personal development is the most important element of their education experience. This is highlighted through our school’s vision & values. Therefore, this is at the heart of everything that we do.

Our PSHE curriculum (including SMSC, RSE & Health education) is taught as a weekly lesson using the scheme ‘HeartSmart’ as a stimulus for discussion and debate.

Our ‘HeartSmart’ curriculum covers six areas over six half terms:

  • Get HeartSmart
  • Don’t forget to let love in!
  • Too much selfie isn’t healthy!
  • Don’t rub it in, rub it out!
  • Fake is a mistake!
  • ‘No way through’ isn’t true!

These themes run alongside themes that occur due to our own school context and are enhanced by special events and days, which are often linked to charity work.

These themes are also embedded across the curriculum and during non-curriculum time where necessary. We enhance themes taught using the two buzz words ‘HeartSmart’ and ‘MindKind’ and use these as a reminder to look after our hearts and minds. This is also enhanced through collective worship and the teaching of R.E.

Our PSHE curriculum is also linked to areas such as P.E, Science and Computing where children learn about health & fitness and online safety.

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