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Mrs Chris Bratt, Chair of Governors

Oct 15, 2024 | Governor Profile

I am both privileged and proud to be Chair of Governors so that I can play a small part in helping to develop the future of the young children who attend our school.

As chair I do spend quite a lot of time on school business and enjoy all the challenges that seem to be happening in education today. I love watching the performances, attending church services, sporting activities, and visiting the classrooms to see how our children are being taught and to see the progress and achievement of all of our pupils. I love being part of the “Forsbrook Team” and hope to be so for many years to come.

I am married to Michael and have two grown up children, who both attended Forsbrook, and seven grandchildren. I have lived in Forsbrook for over 40 years. My spare time is spent looking after and playing with grandchildren and travelling in our touring caravan.

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