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Autumn 1 – Exploring all things wonderful in our world!

Oct 25, 2023 | Year 2 2023/2024

This half term we have explored all things wonderful in our world.

In English, we explored the text ‘Meerkat Mail’ in which Sunny the Meerkat visits many interesting destinations trying to find the perfect home. We created a story map and retold the story using actions, this assisted us when we went on to write our very own retell of the story outlining Sunny’s journey using his postcards.

In Maths, we have investigated numbers to 100 looking at patterns and relationships between numbers using fact families. We have looked at place value in detail and how to recognise tens and ones. We continue to use the practical resources to support our knowledge and understanding of number and place value. We have also been counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. We maintain to develop our knowledge and understanding of addition and subtraction using the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach.

In Art, we have developed our sketching skills and established the use of sketchbooks through our unit titled ‘Explore and Draw.’ We have viewed artists as explorers and collectors and studied the work of Andy Goldsworthy and Alice Fox. We created our very own piece of land art inspired by these artists and went on to create an autumn floor drawing, again inspired by nature, where we tested a range of mediums for drawing.

We have explored hot and cold places within our Geography unit, locating these on a world map and thinking about the features of these places. We even packed suitcases that were suitable for either a desert or an artic holiday.

In Science, we have learnt about animals and their habitats, exploring the world’s biomes in detail, and looking at how animals have adapted to live within these places. We looked at microhabitats and explored our school grounds to find out which animals are best suited to these habitats.

We have explore the Creation story in detail and retold this in many ways during our RE lessons. We have talked about our wonderful world and created posters to encourage other to take care of our beautiful world.

We ending the half term with an exciting visit to Ironbridge Museum where we learnt all about have schools have changed over time in preparation for our History unit next half term.

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