Our focus this term has been all about the Ancient Egyptians. Our English text allowed us to explore ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ where we discovered that this text has a similar theme to the fairy tale Cinderella. We compared the texts looking for similarities and differences and unpicked the characters, creating our own character descriptions.
In Maths, we have been learning all about multiplication, specifically 3, 4 and 8 times tables. It has been interesting to explore the relationships between the times tables and how we can use our prior knowledge to help us solve new calculations.
Our history lessons have taken us back in time to the amazing Ancient Egyptians where we have explored the themes of trade, religion, monuments, significant individuals and the eventual decline of the civilisation. It was an awe-inspiring time!
In science, we have looked in depth at ‘Animals including humans’, learning all about skeletons and the different types of skeletons across different species and the needs of humans in order to be healthy. This led us nicely into our D+T project where we were tasked with creating a reduced sugar Christmas treat for an elderly diabetic grandma. We explored existing productions, evaluated what we liked, changed the recipe 5 ways to explore options, baked the gingerbread and evaluated our creations. We found that halving the sugar use worked best.
In R.E, we explored the variety of festivals of light across different religions and found that they often celebrate the triumphs of good over evils. In computing, we explored networks and connections, learning about the role of servers and network switches and in P.E, we completed our term of swimming.