Our science unit this half term was Light. We learned all about how light travels in straight lines, how we see objects and how optical illusions make us see things differently. We made periscopes using our knowledge of reflection to help us to see things on a different level.
In RE, we explored the concept of incarnation and the big question “Was Jesus the Messiah?” We learned about how Christians put their beliefs about Jesus’ incarnation into practice in different ways to celebrate Christmas and continue to spread God’s light. Finally, we visited St Peter’s Church and had the opportunity to both share our learning and ask Reverend Jonathan questions.
Our history unit this term took the children on a journey through British History as they discovered how crime and punishment had changed since the 15th century. Alongside this, we read Oliver Twist in English and learned about what life was like for poor children in the Victorian period.
In maths, we have been working hard to learn how to calculate with fractions using all four operations. We celebrated maths week and took part in a TTRS challenge.