What an amazing term we’ve had finding out about our fantastic earth in Geography through the Climate Zones.
We found out about the 5 zones, the impact the equator has on these areas and what the typical weathers are like throughout the year. We completed our sustainability learning through exploring Isatou Ceesay’s incredible story ‘One Plastic Bag’.
In English, we used this as inspiration to write a news report on Isatou’s impact on her village in Njau, Gambia. We recapped inverted commas and learnt about paragraphs and time adverbials to include in our reports.
In Maths, we have explored addition and subtraction, putting our place value knowledge into practise.
In science, we learnt all about plants, pollination and seed dispersal which has been superb to understand how our natural world impacts on us as humans and how much we need plants and trees.
In R.E we discovered the Holy Trinity and how Christian’s come to know each part of the Trinity under various names. In art, we worked on our sketching skills, culminating in a final project based on a style called ‘Chiaruscuro’.
It has been a super term and we can’t wait for next term!