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Summer 2

Summer 2

What a super time we’ve had in our final term! We have explored the legend of Romulus and Remus in English, using our fantastic grammar knowledge to construct incredible setting descriptions that described where the babies were found. In Maths, shape and statistics...
Summer 2

Summer 1 – Our Local Area

This term’s geographical learning brought us straight back home; to our local area. We explored Forsbrook, the local landmarks, what makes Forsbrook special and the historical settlement and change that has taken place and continues to shape our village and...
Spring 2 – Vicious Volcanoes!

Spring 2 – Vicious Volcanoes!

Our second spring term started with us exploring the earth and how volcanoes form. We dug beneath the earth’s surface and learned what is going on underneath and how this relates to volcanoes. This linked perfectly with our science investigations, which have explored...
Spring 1 – Super Spring!

Spring 1 – Super Spring!

Short but action-packed has been the theme of our Spring term. We have explored alternative endings in English by changing the ending to The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been multiplying and dividing in maths and learning new methods to complete trickier...
Autumn 2 – Discovering the Ancient Egyptians!

Autumn 2 – Discovering the Ancient Egyptians!

Our focus this term has been all about the Ancient Egyptians. Our English text allowed us to explore ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ where we discovered that this text has a similar theme to the fairy tale Cinderella. We compared the texts looking for similarities and...
Autumn 1 – Small Acts, Big Impact

Autumn 1 – Small Acts, Big Impact

What an amazing term we’ve had finding out about our fantastic earth in Geography through the Climate Zones. We found out about the 5 zones, the impact the equator has on these areas and what the typical weathers are like throughout the year. We completed our...
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