During the first half term in Year 1 the children have had lots of opportunities to explore different aspects of their learning through the continuous provision. Some of the areas we have within the classroom include; a reading corner, construction area, creative area, writing and math’s area. Each week the activities have linked to our current learning.
This half term we explored a variety of traditional tales and met our favourite characters from the stories whilst completing the challenges set by them. So far in Year 1 we have fed the greedy Wolf, from the traditional tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, a variety of nouns and we have used adjectives to create a detailed wanted poster after the Wolf went missing. Also, in maths we have used our knowledge of number to help the Little Pigs build their house of bricks. We have read the ‘True Story of the Three Little Pigs’ and composed questions to ask the wolf about his version of events. Next, we made gingerbread men to find they had escaped overnight from the classroom but they did return after we helped the Gingerbread Man to complete the maths challenges. In science, we have investigated the season autumn and made comparisons to the season winter.
Take a look at our learning journey so far: