This half term, we have been learning about mountains in Geography. We have used atlases and maps to name and locate the world’s principal mountains. We have explored the main features of mountains and looked at how people have adapted to life in mountainous areas.
In English, we wrote diary extracts about Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, the first people to reach the Everest summit. We have been revising key grammar skills and learning how to apply these to our independent writing.
In September, we visited Blythe High School for a transition morning to find out what life is like at high school. It was great fun using microscopes in science as well as having a tour of the school.
In art, we have been learning how to make a 2D drawing into a piece of 3D artwork using the work of Lubaina Himid as inspiration. We used the “grid technique” to learn the skill of enlarging a drawing using negative space.
In maths, we have been working hard to learn how to calculate efficiently using all four operations exploring both mental and written calculations.
We have also taken on lots of responsibilities as year 6s: prefects, librarians, sports leaders are roles which we are proud to have. Well done to everyone who put themselves forward for the role of Team Captain.