To begin, we explored our environmental education topic ‘BEEing Rescuers’. We have used the wordless picture book, Bee and Me, as a stimulus for our writing. We wrote a detailed description of the busy city or the peaceful meadow.
In maths, we have been exploring the four operations, looking more closely at the relationship between addition and subtraction. We have explored 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and learnt all about notes and coins during our money unit.
Within our RE lessons, we have look at what makes places sacred to believers where we looked in detail at a church and a synagogue to explore their features.
In our Computing lessons, we have explored algorithms and used the Bee Bots to decode and debug our instructions.
In science we have been observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We even visited Conkers Educational Centre to take our learning outdoors where we took part in serval ranger led activities including Mother Nature designer and The Secret Life of Seeds. We had a fantastic day.
During our Art lessons we have explored the process of mono printing and we have studied the artist, Leonardo da Vinci.
In History we have learnt all about what life is like for children who live in a small village in Zambia. We have compared many aspects of their lives to our own.