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The Governing Body

We have a very knowledgeable and committed governing board which comprises Parents, Staff, Foundation, Co-opted and Local Authority Representatives. Our governing Board is constituted under the School Governance (Constitution) Regulations 2012.

Governors play an important strategic role in school development and have a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school. In accordance with the DfE Governance Handbook the core roles and functions of the Governing Body are:

  • Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
  • Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
  • People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
  • Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  • Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
  • Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.

All of which play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education that takes every child as far as their talents allow. The Governors’ main priority at all times is the well-being of the children.

Governors take an active interest in the daily life of the school in a supportive but challenging capacity. Governors, staff and pupils all enjoy working together, developing and improving our school in line with our joint vision.

Forsbrook CE Primary School Governing Body Membership:

Name Category Appointing Body Areas of responsibility Business and/or pecuniary interests Other educational establishments Relationships with school staff Date of Appointment Term of office expiry
Mrs Chris Bratt Co Governing Body

FGB Chair

Pay Committee Chair

Performance Management Chair

Nominated Governor for SEN, LAC & Safeguarding

None declared None Family member casual employee in OOSC 28 February 2021 28 February 2025
Rev Jonathan Roberts F Lichfield Diocese Collective worship None declared None None (ex-officio)
Mrs Margaret Lilley F Lichfield Diocese Collective worship None declared None None 18 November 2020 17 November 2028
Mrs Kate Cooke HT Headteacher Local Academy Council Member St Edwards Academy – part of SUAT Local Academy Council Member – co-opted governor St Edwards Academy, Cheddleton Married to Mr Peter Cooke, School Caretaker and Cleaner Ex-officio 1 January 2022
Mrs Xanthe Downings P Parent None declared None None 8 January 2024 7 January 2028
Mr Levison Wood F Lichfield Diocese Collective Worship None declared None None 5 April 2021 5 April 2025
Mrs Nicola Lockett S Staff None declared None None 1 January 2022 1 January 2026
Miss Katie French P Parent Vice Chair Pupil Premium Sports Premium None declared None None 21 October 2022 21 October 2026
Miss Victoria Lewis LA Local Authority Staffordshire Schools Forum, Staffs LA Inclusion & Send Partnership Moorlands Headteacher Endon Hall None 1 May 2023 30 April 2027
Ms Jan Warner Co Governing Body
None declared
None 22 March 2023 22 March 2027
Ms Ruth Silcock Clerk N/A None declared None

Governors left in the last 12 months:

Name Category Appointing Body Areas of responsibility Business and/or pecuniary interests Other educational establishments Relationships with school staff Term of office expiry
Mrs Jackie Kent Co Governing Body None declared None Resigned 11 September 2023
Mrs Tracey Leese P Parent None declared Senior Leader at St Thomas More None Term expired 19 December 2023
Mr Kevin Reid Co Governing Body PREVENT None declared None None
Term expired 22 March 2023
Mrs Wendy Keeble Co Governing Body Health & Safety Director of Business & Finance BBHS None
Resigned 19 April 2023

Structure and Remit

In addition to the full governing body which meets at least once per term we have Committees that are responsible for various areas who also meet at least termly and report their decisions to the Full Governing Body.

Our Committees are:


This committee looks at the strategic direction of the school, its vision and ethos, school improvement planning and the governor development plan.


This Committee is responsible for the school’s curriculum and assessment provision, pupil premium and sports premium to ensure that we comply with all statutory obligations and that our outcomes for pupils are the best they can be.


This committee is responsible for the financial accountability of the school, staffing, premises including health & safety and safeguarding.

This committee also formulates the nursery budget plan and staffing and reports its findings to the Governing Body.


This committee meets twice a year to look at outcomes for pay and performance management.

Forsbrook CE Primary School Sub Committee Membership:
Chair: TBA
All Governors
Minimum of 5 governors to be quorate
Gov Training & Dev.
Mrs Nicola Lockett
Mrs Nicola Lockett
Chair: TBA
Mrs Kate Cooke
Mrs Chris Bratt
Rev Jonathan Roberts
Mrs Margaret Lilley
Ms Vicky Lewis 
Mrs Nicola Lockett
Mr Levison Wood
Pupil Premium/Sports Premuim
Miss Katie French
Chair: Mrs Chris Bratt
Miss Katie French
Ms Jan Warner
Mr Levison Wood
Mrs Kate Cooke
Mrs Xanthe Downings
Mrs Chris Bratt  
Safeguarding & LAC
Mrs Chris Bratt
Healthy & Safety
  Mrs Chris Bratt
Ms Jan Warner
Pay Committee
Chair: Mrs Chris Bratt
Mrs Margaret Lilley
Miss Katie French
HT Performance Management
Chair: Mrs Chris Bratt
Mr Levison Wood
Rev Jonathan Roberts
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