Collective Worship
Collective worship plays a central part in the life of Forsbrook Primary School. As an expression of the Christian ethos and spiritual life of the school it offers the whole school community opportunities to participate in the expression of Christian worship, valued and honoured through the school’s Anglican Foundation. This is set within the context of the corporate community of our school and its historic partnership Forsbrook Church of England Primary School. We affirm every individual’s unique contribution, regardless of age, gender, ability, background or religion.
Year 3 Children Lead a Time of Worship
This week has seen our Year 3 children lead a time of worship. They taught us about St. Peter, who was one of Jesus’s...
St. Peter’s Christmas Service 2023
On Friday, December 22nd, 2023 our church service at St. Peters church was filled full of joy as the children told the...
Year 5 children lead our 2023 Harvest Service
Well done to our wonderful Year 5 children who led this year's Harvest Service.
Year 4 Children Lead Our Collective Worship
Well done to all our Year 4 children who led our Collective Worship.Pupil Voice: “It’s been really nice to get the chance...
Collective Worship Summer Term
This term the focus has been on The Miracles of Jesus This has helped to teach the children that Jesus had the power of...
Collective Worship Spring Term
This term focused on The People that Jesus Met. The Gospels records many of the meetings Jesus had with different...