Well it has been an eventful half term in Year 5 with lots of opportunities and fantastic learning taking place!
We ‘launched’ into our Space topic and discovered many wonderful facts about the Earth, our moon, The Sun and the rest of our solar system. We used Oreos to create the various phases of the moon and used split pin designs to understand how the moon orbits the Earth and how the Earth orbits the sun.
Furthermore, some of Year 5 took part in the annual Dance Extravaganza at the Victoria Hall. The theme this year was ‘The Potteries’ and we chose to choreograph a dance based on Captain Edward Smith of The Titanic. The children performed with courage and determination and we are incredibly proud of them, not only at how well they performed but also the exemplary behaviour and maturity they demonstrated throughout the show.
Our main Literacy focus has been non-fiction texts and we have written a recount based on our current unit on Space. The children were able to extract key vocabulary from their Science lessons and use this to create wonderfully realistic recounts.
Year 5’s History unit this half term has been all about the Mayans. We learned where they originated, we looked at how they created their own writing and number system, and we even discovered that they had their own version of football – Pok-a-Tok! Did you know that the captain of the losing team had to be sacrificed? How brutal!
We were also lucky enough to participate in a whole-school spiritual awareness day, complete with a nature walk, a silent disco and a chance to create our own Artwork!
In addition, Year 5 were provided with a fantastic opportunity to visit Blythe Bridge High School to watch a magnificent performance of Matilda and more recently the Y3/4 production of ‘You are Special’. The theatrical performances were a joy to behold and we are excited for next term when we begin our own production alongside Year 6.What could it be… Stay tuned!