To begin the term, in our English lessons we wrote a detailed recount of our trip to Conkers Educational Center. We learnt all about time conjunctions and included these in the recount.
Next, we enjoyed a new text called ‘The Pirates Next Door’ we looked at the characters in the book and wrote descriptions of these pirates. After, we created our very own pirate and wrote a fantastic character description of this pirate.
In maths, we have continued to explore the four operations, looking more closely at the relationship between multiplication and division. We then completed a unit all about length and height where we learnt how to measure in centimeters and meters.
Within our RE lessons, we have looked at our salvation unit to explore our big question of “Why does Easter matter to Christians?” We have explored this question through telling the stories of Holy Week and Easter from the Bible and linking this to salvation.
In our Computing lessons, we have learnt all about how to stay safe online and all about our online reputation and digital footprint.
In science we continued to observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We conducted many experiments and enjoyed British Science Week.
During our Design and Technology lessons we have designed and prepared a healthy fruit salad to enjoy at our class picnic. We began by exploring yummy fruits and vegetables through a tasting session. We wrote a set of instructions before preparing our tasty treat.
In Geography we investigated the life and work of the Irish Pirate – Grace O’Malley. We learnt all about her courageous adventures to answer our enquiry question of ‘Should we call Grace O’Malley a Pirate.’ At the end of the term, we used all of the information gathered to share our opinions to answer this.
During Spring 2 we have celebrated our love of reading through World Book Day where we dressed as a character from a book and enjoyed many activities linked to reading and books. We ended the term with a fantastic pirate themed day where we dress as pirates, made bandanas, created treasure maps, went on an exciting treasure hunt and help a pirate to unlock the chest. The day was a huge success and enjoyed by all.