Continuing our focus on the WWII era, we enjoyed delving into a series of chapters from ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ this half-term. By digging deep below the surface of Thomas Oakley, we were able to write detailed descriptions of the intriguing protagonist, encompassing the ‘show not tell’ technique.
In maths, we got to grips with decimals. After representing decimals on place value grids, we were able to partition and compare them before moving onto rounding to the nearest whole number. Finally, we used diagrams to understand the decimal equivalents of simple fractions, such as a half and a quarter.
After studying the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in the classroom last term, we travelled back in time for a hands-on learning experience at Tamworth Castle which enabled us to get a further insight into two fascinating periods in history.
Meanwhile, our Geography studies took us much further afield to the continent of South America. After using a world map to pinpoint the location, we identified a range of its physical and human features, located countries and capital cities and finally, compared life in Brazil to our own lives in the UK.
We went on a different type of journey in our science unit, ‘Animals including humans’. Our initial investigations focused on the digestive system, including replicating the processes a piece of food encounters as it travels through the body. We then homed in on our teeth, where we learned the name and role of different types of teeth before dissecting animal ‘poo’ to establish whether animals were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores based on what they eat. Food featured in D&T too, as we designed and made our own dips to enjoy at our King’s coronation celebrations.
In RE, we considered the impact of Pentecost when Jesus left. After studying Acts 2, we were able to offer suggestions about what the description of Pentecost might mean and give examples of what Pentecost means to some Christians now. Our studies culminated in the production of artwork representing Pentecost which will be displayed in St. Peter’s church for the Pentecostal celebrations.