In science, we explored the unit evolution and inheritance and learned about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. We learned that living things have changed over time and continue to do so and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited Earth millions of years ago.
In maths, we learned to draw, compose, and decompose shapes according to give properties, including dimensions, angles and area.
In English, we consolidated our understanding of grammar, spelling and punctuation and practised key skills.
In geography, we considered how a region can meet the needs of its population and created a needs map to accurately locate specific sites.
In D&T, we looked at the benefits of solar power and designed and built a solar-powered car as part of a STEM learning day.
This half term we also visited Lichfield Cathedral, taking part in an Inspire Day and auditioned for parts in the end of year play and started to learn our lines ready for ‘performance day’.