Our final half term in Year 6 has been a busy one!
In English, we wrote autobiographical accounts about an event from our lives in the style of a narrative ready to pass on to our new high school.
In science, we learned about the human circulatory system and recognised the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle in the way bodies function and learned how to keep ourselves healthy. We conducted our own experiments to find out how different activities affected our resting heart rate.
One of the highlights of this half term has to be the week we spent at Laches Wood on our Year 6 residential, where we took part in a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities and developing our teamwork skills. We challenged ourselves to step out of our comfort zones and try new things.
In PE, we worked hard to practise for our final Sports Day at Primary School as well as taking part in the event. Well done Team Fire, who once again took won the trophy!
This was also the term that we got to perform in our last production at Primary School and we certainly showed “Piractical style”. What an amazing show we put on! We also went to the Victoria Hall to perform in front of an audience, showcasing our musical talents.
And finally, Reverend Jonathan and his wife Sophie, invited us to St Peters’ Church for an “It’s Your Move” morning, where we were able to reflect on our feelings about the transition to high school. We even had an ice lolly to celebrate.
We have had such a fabulous time this year in Year 6 and can’t believe that our Primary Years have flown by so quickly.