What an amazing bunch the Romans were!
We learned all about how they built their empire and went on to conquer many countries, including Britain, and the impact the Romans had on our way of life thousands of years ago. Or so we thought. It turns out the Romans still have an impact today…just ask a Year 3 to find out how! We took our learning about the Romans out of school and to Chester to see the actual impact of their time here. The children loved seeing a real life amphitheatre and the walls of the fortress.
In English, we have been learning all about the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, and the legend that surrounds them. From this, we wrote setting descriptions about each of the places included in the story and then a narrative retell from the setting of our choice. We put all the grammar taught to great use as we wrote.
In maths, we have had fun with shapes, angles and statistics. We have learned how to complete clockwise and anti-clockwise turns and used them in different context.
In science, we have been delving into the wonderful world of light. Learning that it is the absence of darkness, we have put this to the test in various ways, we have explored how the sun’s UV rays work and how to protect ourselves against them.
In Computing, we have been coding using the scratch platform and exploring how to identify, debug and test broken code.
During our art lessons, we have been working on animation and how cartoons are made. We have created our own ‘moving drawings’ and used our iPads to create a stop, motion animation that featured our own drawings.
Finally, in R.E, we have been learning all about rites of passage in different religions and making comparisons to Christianity. It has been wonderful to explore what other religions do to celebrate life and the passing of time through different rites of passage.
What an incredible end to our Year 3 journey!