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Year 3 Recorder Festival Consent Letter

Jan 28, 2025 | Latest News

Dear Y3 Parents/Carers,

We invite your child to join us at the Stoke-on-Trent Recorder Festival at the Victoria Hall, Hanley on Tuesday 18th March 2025.

The Y3 class will be playing their recorders on stage alongside children from 21 other schools in and around Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. The children are currently learning to play the pieces during their weekly music lessons.

The day will run as follows:

  • Depart by coach to arrive at the Victoria Hall for a 9.30am rehearsal.
  • Break and lunch.
  • Concert at 12.30pm.
  • Concert aims to finish by 1.45pm.
  • Children return to school by coach after the concert.
  • Children will finish school at the normal time of 3.15pm.

Children will need to wear their school uniform and bring their lunch, a snack and drinks with them, these do not need to be in a disposable plastic bag.

Information regarding purchasing tickets for the concert is in the flyer posted below.

We would love your child to attend and join us in this wonderful musical opportunity. Please complete the form below to give your consent:

Kind regards,

Miss Adams
Music Lead

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