Our focus in English this term explored the text ‘One Plastic Bag’.
Using this text supported us in understanding the impact humans have on the earth as we examined the global issue of plastic pollution. We used this true story to investigate non-fiction recounts as we looked closely at writing to inform and the grammatical features needed to create an informative news report.
In Maths, we have explored place value thoroughly which supported our transition into addition and subtraction of 1s,10s and 100s. Using our place value knowledge has greatly supported our understanding of what happens to calculations particularly in crossing 1s and 10s when exchanging.
Our Geographic knowledge has expanded greatly as we have learnt about Climate Zones in which we have discovered lines of latitude, the position of the earth in relation to the sun and how this impacts on the 5 climate zones.
In science, learning about plants has further supported our culminative knowledge as we have delved into plant reproduction and seed dispersal where we explored how climate zones can impact on this.
In Art, our sketching skills have progressed as we explored mark making using charcoal and how to create tonal shades to create a dramatic piece of art.
Our term has also marked the launch of 1:1 iPad use.