This half term, our geography topic has been Greece.
Building on our work from last term on mountains, we have learnt about the landscape of this mountainous region, why migrants are coming to Greece and what life is like in Athens. In English, we wrote holiday brochures, persuading families to visit this Mediterranean paradise. We have also been reading the fantastic book, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo where the main character, a 12 year old boy, find himself washed up on a desert island. We wrote balanced arguments discussing reasons for and against going on an around-the-world adventure.
In art, we have been looking at the work of artist and photographer, Mike Barrett. We practised and refined our drawing skills to create self-portraits and then used collage and layering techniques to create backgrounds for these. We are really proud of our results.
In science, we have been learning how to classify living things, drawing on the work of Carl Linneaus. We created our own imaginary creatures by combining two well-known animals and then wrote non-chronological reports about them.
In maths, we have been working hard on our arithmetic skills, calculating with fractions, decimals and percentages. We have learnt about ratio and proportion and how to apply this to problem solving situations such as adapting recipes by scaling.
Online safety has been our focus in computing. We have learned how to communicate effectively online and have created rules and charters to help to keep us safe.