Spring 1 has all been about ‘Chocolate’ in Year 5 as we studied Roald Dahl’s text, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
In English, we studied the characters from the book, described contrasting settings and completed some fabulous pieces of written work from first to final draft.
Our Maths focus has been ‘fractions’ and we have really pushed ourselves to deepen our knowledge of improper fractions, mixed numbers and common denominators. We calculated fractions of amounts, before moving on to finding the whole amount – a challenge that we fully immersed ourselves in!
In Geography, we have been learning all about the UK and what makes it so special. We discussed how the population has changed over time and how the landscape has changed as a result of human and physical changes.
Science saw us learning all about forces; including gravity, air and water resistance. We completed many experiments over the term, including using sheets of material to discover the effects of air resistance, before creating parachutes to explore this further.
In Computing, we have been learning how to use databases effectively. We used ‘fields’, ‘and/or’ searches and answered questions based on the results.
We had a wonderful visit from the Air Ambulance service where we had the opportunity to sit in the pod and ‘pilot’ it! We also took part in a live assembly, learning all about staying safe online as part of our Safer Internet Day.
Finally, we took part in children’s mental health week; where we spent lots of time reflecting and discussing how to lead a positive lifestyle. We discussed the importance of kindness and created a kindness chain to display in our classroom. Another busy half-term in Year 5, but certainly an enjoyable one!