This half term Reception Class have been busy, busy, busy! They took part in an exciting Sport’s Day and enjoyed a lovely family picnic to celebrate their sporting achievements. They continued their sporting challenges with a special bike skills session, the teachers...
This half term Reception Class had a wonderful time exploring the great outdoors. They learnt all about metamorphosis and observed caterpillars change over time into beautiful butterflies. The children learnt about a caterpillar life cycle and enjoyed writing a retell...
This half term Reception Class immersed themselves into the wonderful world of Superheroes. They kick started their learning with a wonderful trip to Apple Tree Town Role Play Centre to learn all about real life superheroes and the super jobs they do. The children...
Dinosaurs Experts Assemble! This half term the children became super Dinosaur Experts. They learnt all about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, being able to explain why some dinosaurs ate leaves and others ate meat. They explored the different environments that...
Wonderful Winter certainly arrived in Reception class this half term! The children have fully immersed themselves in the super excitement of this time of year. Their lovely writing has continued to blossom as they have written a very important letter to Santa Claus...
What a wonderful start to our Forsbrook journey! We have settled beautifully into Reception class life, learning all about ourselves and others, finding out how we are all special and unique. Through our theme of Marvellous Me we have shared special stories about our...