This half-term we immersed ourselves in the mythical Viking world of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell, where we honed our skills in crafting non-chronological reports on imaginary dragon breeds.
In mathematics, our focus on multiplication and division deepened, progressing from fundamental operations involving multiples of 10 and 100 to more complex computations involving 3-digit numbers.
Meanwhile, science experiments enabled us to unravel the dynamics of vibration, pitch, and volume.
Geographical studies centred on rivers of the world, dissecting their anatomy, significance, and the impact of human interactions.
In RE, we pondered the universal quest to better our world, drawing connections between beliefs, teachings, and real-life examples.
Meanwhile, artistic expressions flourished through the generation of surface pattern designs, complemented by computing explorations centred on shape repetition and algorithmic logic.