How lovely our Geography unit was this term, we got to explore our amazing local area using ordnance survey maps and learnt how to compare maps over time to see what change has occurred.
In D&T we have created our very own pencil cases to store the accessories that we have brought in for our iPads. We looked at different stitches and how best to secure our pencil cases to make them strong.
In English, we have been researching all about famous artists from our local area and publishing our work on to a Keynote to present to our peers. We have recovered past tense learning and how to use paragraphs.
In maths, we have learnt how to use measure and capacity correctly and are learning how to tell the time in many different ways.
We have been exploring Salvation and ‘What it is like to follow God’ in R.E. There have been some big questions to think about but our class have rose to the challenge, offering thought provoking and mature responses.
In science, we have explored forces and magnets. Some interesting experiments have been completed which solidified our understanding of magnetic forces- we even made our own compasses!
And finally, we found the time to celebrate the King’s coronation. What a glorious day we spent together learning all about our Royal family and the history of the monarchy.
Another action packed term that is filled with learning, loving and laughing. Here’s to Summer 2!