What a wonderful term it has been, ending in the most special way for our school; with the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
In Year 3 we have been exploring ‘The Winter’s Child’ in English which gave us the opportunity to understand the fantasy genre, using inverted commas, conjunctions and time adverbs and use these skills when writing our very own fantasy story. In Maths, we have moved to understanding multiplication and division and the relationship these two operations have. We have delved deep into pre-history when learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age and learnt all about how humans evolved in their learning and thinking skills. In science, we have examined forces and magnets, using iron filings to see magnetic forces. How wonderous! We learnt all about the Jewish faith in R.E, learning about the festivals and celebrations Jews partake in to celebrate their religion. We ended our term by creating bread in D+T, using our learning from RE to create a challah bread for a Jewish family celebrating Rosh Hashana. We also managed to squeeze in a treat ‘escape room’ courtesy of Mrs Cooke, a Christmas market event making session, 3 nativities to watch and a class party. What a wonderful season it has been!