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Year 5 Autumn 1

Oct 24, 2024 | Year 5 2024/2025

This half term, we have been busy with a range of exciting topics across our subjects.

In English, we explored the adventurous life of Annie Edson Taylor, the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. We wrote detailed recounts of her daring feat, focusing on using fronted adverbials and organising our work into well-structured paragraphs. In maths, we’ve deepened our understanding of multiplication and division, learning about multiples, factors, square, and prime numbers. In science, we studied the fascinating life cycles of different animal groups, from amphibians to mammals.

In history, we delved into the world of the Vikings, investigating whether they were raiders, traders, or settlers. This has sparked lots of lively debates! We’ve also been improving our swimming skills, working towards developing our water safety skills. In RE, we’ve been learning about why Christians believe that God is both holy and loving. As part of this, we visited St Peter’s Church to learn about how churches are designed to reflect God’s holiness. We also really enjoyed leading the whole school Harvest Celebration and sharing the message of “Thankfulness”. It has been an action-packed and enriching half term, and we look forward to what’s next!

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