This half term, Year 5 has been busy with lots of exciting learning.
In Maths, we’ve been comparing, ordering, and performing calculations with fractions, improving our confidence and accuracy. In English, we enjoyed writing our own Beowulf adventures, focusing on using dialogue and expanded noun phrases to make our stories more engaging. During Guided Reading, we explored Hansel and Gretel, discussing its themes and how the author’s choice of language creates mood and tension.
In D&T, we developed our sewing skills by designing and making festive Christmas decorations from felt, which turned out brilliantly. Science lessons have focused on the properties of materials and their uses, while in Geography, we’ve learned all about earthquakes and volcanoes, understanding how these natural events shape our planet. We also wrapped up our final half term of swimming in PE, with everyone making great progress. It’s been a productive and rewarding end to the term!