This half term, we took part in our Level 2 Bikeability, learning about how to ride safely on the roads.
In Science we have been learning about the classification of living things. We found out about the work of Carl Linnaeus and his classification system which is still used today. We used classification keys to identify different species before creating our own classification key and our very own hybrid creature!
Our History unit was to focus on the Ancient Greeks and how they help form the world in which we live today. We looked at how they utilised democracy and oligarchy in their civilisation. We researched about Greek Gods and Goddesses, translated some of the Greek alphabet and studied some Ancient Greek philosophers.
In D&T, we have been investigating ‘Grab and Go’ products. We tasted a range of products and learned about the nutritional value of each. We followed a recipe to make Spring Rolls and evaluated the product.
In Maths, we have been working hard to learn how to calculate with fractions using all four operations, we also looked at metric and imperial measures and some conversions between the two.
In RE, we explored the concept of incarnation and the big question “Was Jesus the Messiah?” We learned about how Christians put their beliefs about Jesus’ incarnation into practice in different ways to celebrate Christmas and continue to spread God’s light. We even had the opportunity to create an advert for a Messiah!
We held our Christmas Markets in the KS2 hall after creating our own personalised baubles using our measurement knowledge.